Original Limu

September 18, 2006

Any Questions or Topics?

Filed under: Blogging, Fucoidan, Health, health drinks, Limu, Original Limu — Original Limu @ 1:51 pm

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has stopped by my blog to read a post or two. I am really having a good time sharing information on Original Limu, and I hope you are finding the information useful.

My main goal is to make this blog a knowledge base for those who are seeking information about Original Limu. I will be the first to tell you that I will not be able to accomplish this on my own. I would like to turn it into a collaborative network, where everyone that wants to contribute can do so. I am open to discussing any aspect of Limu…pros, cons, personnal success stories, how it helps with cancer, how it can cure a rash, how to order, distributing, etc.

So in order to get the ball rolling I would like to ask, what would you like to know or discuss regarding Original Limu?

Once I get some questions/suggestions (which I know you have), I will group them, do some research, and try to generate a post on as many as I can. At that point everyone can chime in, and before we know it we have a growing knowledge base.

I cannot wait to get started…

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